Deaf Awareness Month Highlight #23

Happy International Day of Sign Languages!!!

Today is day #23 of Deaf Awarness Month, and C.A.N. is celebrating YOU!

Are you Deaf? Hearing? Hard-of-Hearing? Maybe you have never thought about your identity in relation to your hearing or your language before… Whatever way you identify yourself, SIGN LANGUAGE IS FOR YOU!

You are the future that will create an inclusive society where linguistic diversity is embraced and the value of sensory differences will be cherished. You are the leaders who will inspire the world to realize that together we really can connect, cultivate, and empower through ASL. And you are the scholars and scribes who will discover and preserve the rich history of deaf people and their sacred communication.

So to you we say, “Thank you!” And we celebrate YOU! … and we celebrate all your unique skills, talents, and attributes.

Community is how we were designed to function best, and each part is vital. Together we CAN!

To find out ways you can get involved with Conservatory ASL Northwest, keep an eye on the Volunteer Page ( or consider making a donation on our donation page ( Your contribution will go to support C.A.N.’s mission and expanding programs.