ASL Story Time is a wonderful collaboration between C.A.N. and the Great Falls Public Library! Since June of 2020, thanks to Rae, and the wonderful staff at the Great Falls Public Library, we are reading together on-line!
This is a fun and fantastic community building opportunity, and we are super grateful to the Great Falls Public Library for this partnership!
We film once a week. Readers of any age, whether deaf or hearing are welcome to volunteer to read a story with us. This small 30 minute commitment has great positive impact for the reader and the community. It also provides accessible stories for Deaf patrons of the library.
Are you interested in volunteering to read a story? Email, and we will get you on the reading schedule.
Together we CAN read stories! 
Remember to subscribe to the library’s GFPL Kids’ Place! Youtube Channel!
Enjoy the stories complied here from November and December 2020 and January 2021! We love our library!!