We are so excited to host a Q&A chat with Anna Haslund, Miss Montana for America 2020!! Anna is the first Deaf title holder of this position. Please join us for a live Zoom chat where Anna will share her journey to Miss Montana for America and answer your questions. This event is open to students and adults. We ask …
Category: Uncategorized
Deaf Awareness Month Highlight #5
For the fifth day of Deaf Awareness Month the highlight we are celebrating is National Deaf Center. The National Deaf Center has AMAZING resources, and we at C.A.N. are incredibly grateful for their work! Taken from the Mission Page on their website: National Deaf Center’s mission is to close the substantial gaps in education and employment that exist for deaf …
Deaf Awareness Month Highlight #4
Today’s featured Deaf/ASL organization for Deaf Awareness Month is Deaf Missions because… Pah! For thirty-eight years, Deaf Missions has been translating the Bible in American Sign Language. Now all the sixty-six books are completed! You can watch TODAY at http://www.deafmissions.com/app. Find out more about Deaf Missions at https://www.deafmissions.com The founders of C.A.N. have been especially encouraged by the work and productions from …
Deaf Awareness Month Highlight #3
The third organization we are highlighting for Deaf Awareness Month is D-PAN, Deaf Professional Arts Network. The Deaf Professional Arts Network (D-PAN) a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization was originally founded to make music and music culture – the predominant shared language and experience of people worldwide – universally accessible by extending its reach to the Deaf and hard of hearing. …
ASL/Deaf Organization #2…
September is Deaf Awareness Month! C.A.N. is celebrating ASL and Deaf leadership by featuring a different ASL or Deaf related organization every day this month. Today’s highlight is Atomic Hands, founded by Alicia Wooten and Barbara Spiecker. Atomic Hands is committed to increasing public accessibility to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through American Sign Language and fostering collaboration and networking …
September is National Deaf Awareness Month!
Deaf gain and Deaf perspective are worth celebrating. And the world needs to be made aware so they don’t miss out! Help us celebrate Deaf Awareness Month 2020! At Conservatory ASL Northwest we are celebrating National Deaf Awareness Month by sharing with you one Deaf or ASL oriented organization, service, or business everyday in September. Some are oldies but goodies. …
ASL Story Time On-Line
We can still read together even when we are apart! ASL Story Time, like our other programs, got put on hold in March due to COVID concerns and restrictions. BUT, thanks to the ingenuity of Rae, a staff member at the Great Falls Public Library, we are reading together again… on-line! This is a fun and fantastic community building opportunity, …
Fundraising Success
Thank you to all our incredible volunteers and donors!!! You are amazing proof that together we CAN! We have been involved in some exciting and successful fundraising ventures so far this year. C.A.N. participated in Give Great Falls, an on-line community fund raising event hosted by the Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce. We also hosted our annual yard sale …
COVID-19 Update for C.A.N.
Since the beginning of March we joined the world in processing new threats and concerns that threw us out of our normal routine. We apologize for not keeping up all the info and organizational changes here at aslcan.com. Here is a quick recap of what has changed for us as a result of the Pandemic: -Volunteer meetings, which were scheduled …
C.A.N. Sign Classes Starting This Week!
Announcing C.A.N.’s pilot ASL classes!!! Are we excited?? YES. WE. ARE!!!!! This is a long-awaited, much-anticipated, community-supported, major-team-effort success! Our qualified teachers are Deaf experts with fantastic skills. Our venue is supported by the Children’s Museum of Montana, a wonderful community partner. And the launch of this program is made possible by a grant from the Montana Department of Public …