Since the beginning of March we joined the world in processing new threats and concerns that threw us out of our normal routine. We apologize for not keeping up all the info and organizational changes here at
Here is a quick recap of what has changed for us as a result of the Pandemic:
-Volunteer meetings, which were scheduled for every other Monday, were first postponed, then cancelled.
-ASL Story Time with the Great Falls Public Library and Children’s Museum of Montana were cancelled indefinitely. We look forward to resuming at a time when it can be done safely.
-Sign Language classes were also cancelled and refunded. Again we are eager to resume these classes when it can be done safely and reasonably.
-ASL CAN Film Camp is still in the works! We are planning and fundraising and proceeding with caution. By the end of June we think we will have a good sense of the situation and will make a final decision on whether or not we will proceed with the camp in August. Stay tuned for upadates…
Despite the cancellations, we are still growing and connecting, and there are still exciting opportunities to get involved!
-Rae from the Great Falls Public Library has offered us the opportunity to be involved in the library’s virtual story time! If you would like to participate and sign a story while Rae reads it, please email us at
-The CAN Center is really taking shape and we need any available strong arms to help clean and paint! The interior design committee met with Robert Nichols of World Deaf Architecture and now they are busy deciding colors and materials. It is going to look great in there!
-With the CAN Center getting closer to being useable, we are also making more plans for knowledge-sharing and social opportunities. If you have ideas, classes, fun get-togethers that you would like to host, please get in touch.
-One more exciting opportunity that is coming up May 21 at 1:30 PM is a Zoom presentation from De’VIA artist, Cynthia Weitzel! C.A.N. is going to host a De’VIA display again for the Urban Art Project – Summer 2020 installation. Our display will be titled “Windows on Deaf Perspective on Windows” (This is not 100% decided but likely.) Cynthia will teach about Deaf perspective art and Deaf motifs. Then each participant (up to 10) will receive a window frame to paint or sculpt into a De’VIA masterpiece. The windows will be collected and hung in C.A.N.’s UAP space in downtown Great Falls. We are excited for the wonderful opportunity again to create more positive Deaf/ASL presence in Montana! Let us know if you want to be involved. We would like to extend special thanks to Alma Winberry, Cynthia Weitzel, and Cortni Harant for making this opportunity possible!